FYI: Anthem Waives Copays plus for 90 days for Behavioral Health by Telehealth & Telephone Sessions (because of COVID-19)

From a recent Anthem email:

Telehealth (video + audio):

For 90 days effective March 17, 2020, Anthem’s affiliated health plans will waive member cost shares for telehealth visits, including visits for mental health or substance use disorders, for our fully insured employer plans, Individual plans, Medicare plans and Medicaid plans, where permissible. Cost sharing will be waived for members using Anthem’s authorized telemedicine service, LiveHealth Online, as well as care received from other providers delivering virtual care through internet video + audio services. Self-insured plan sponsors may opt out of this program.

Telephonic-only care

For 90 days effective March 19, 2020, Anthem’s affiliated health plans will cover telephonic-only visits with in-network providers. Out-of-network coverage will be provided where required. This includes covered visits for mental health or substance use disorders and medical services, for our fully insured employer plans, individual plans, Medicare plans and Medicaid plans, where permissible. Cost shares will be waived for in-network providers only.  Exceptions include chiropractic services, physical, occupational, and speech therapies. These services require face-to-face interaction and therefore are not appropriate for telephone-only consultations. Self-insured plan sponsors may opt out of this program.

Please call 719-460-4185 or go to the Contact Form on the Contact Page

I look forward to helping you at this time whether you are a current, new, or returning patient! Take care and be safe!
